Sunday, September 23, 2012

A Luncheon...Celebrating the First Day of Fall

Women just love getting together
to enjoy a delightful lunch with a
girlfriend or two at place out of the ordinary...
a place where they can share an experience
that is truly unique and unexpected...

Our sweet little vintage house 
is the venue for such an experience!

Mom and I hosted our most recent ladies' luncheon the first day of fall.  What a perfect day it turned out to be...the sun was shining, the sky was bluer than blue, there was a slight crispness in the air, and several women joined us for the scrumptious meal that we prepared!  As the ladies arrived, and were enjoying the unique and quaint ambience of The Vintage House, we served each of them a home made raspberry margarita. 

{The menu that we served...}
Savory Chicken Enchiladas with Green Chile Cream Sauce
Avocado & Grilled Corn Salad with Cilantro Vinaigrette 
Tortilla chips with a Pica de Gallo Salsa
The tables were decorated with the pillow ticking table cloths which looked so lovely with the baskets of apples that were the centerpiece for each table...and of course lit candles always set a wonderful mood!
With the coming of autumn, no better time than to prepare a Caramel Apple Upside-Down Cake with real whipped cream!!  The photos here do not do it justice!  It was extremely delicious...however, very rich with the added caramel sauce that was drizzled over the top!
As a special thanks to the lovely women that joined us today, we baked fresh apple bread for each of them to take home to enjoy later! 
Marilyn (Mom) and I don't offer ladies' luncheons regularly, 
but you can rent our sweet space for your own!  

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Welcome to Entrez Vous @ The Vintage House

Welcome to the Entrez Vous Sale 
@ The Vintage House!

Steffney and Kim, the owners of Entrez Vous, have made 
The Vintage House their own by creating an inviting
 atmosphere to shop for unique and fun home decor items, 
seasonal decor, and lovely gift items.

Entrez Vous @ The Vintage House
will be open again this Saturday, September 14th 
from 10:00 to 4:00 as the sale continues...

The weather is going to be beautiful, so come on by to see 
what these two gals have to offer for you and your home! 

Upon walking in to The Vintage House this evening, 
I was totally amazed at the transformation that Kim and Steffney 
had made to our little place with their wonderful eye
for home decor and seasonal accessories.  

 The selection of items on display for sale 
was definitely an eyeful of goodness!

There was a great showing of customers that stopped by,
 in spite of the rainy, chilly evening!

I couldn't resist taking home a pair of these 
darling metal birds on spool-like pedestals for myself!

They had scrumptious delectables to enjoy, along 
with a glass a wine, that no one could resist! 

 I found a great selection of gifts items too...
a great place to start your Christmas shopping!!

We want to thank Kim and Steffney for choosing to use 
The Vintage House 
as their own to sell their unique and wonderful wares!

We love sharing our quaint little venue with others...hopefully we can
all enjoy another Entrez Vous sale @ The Vintage House again soon!

Our very best...Marilyn & Lauri

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Do you need a venue to sell your wares, or a place 
to have your own special event or small gathering?

Our sweet little vintage house has the perfect ingredients for 
creating a warm, and inviting atmosphere for anyone to enjoy!  

The possibilities are endless!!

For inquiries call: 
Lauri (913) 963-2985 or Sara (816) 830-5518
Or email:

Monday, September 10, 2012

A Wine Tasting

The Vintage House has the pleasure of introducing Dawn Potts of Lawing Financial.  She is hosting a special wine tasting at The Vintage House where wines from around the world will be featured with Sommelier Wayne Robinson. 

Originally from South Africa, Wayne will bring an incredible array of different wines, paired with some wonderful appetizers, and a knowledge for a fantastic tasting, laced with some amazing financial information to help move you further to another financial goal you have in mind before the year end. 

Email Dawn @ 
to make your reservation to this fun, tasty and enlightening experience!

A Girls' Retreat Place...

The Vintage House 
a warm & inviting place to gather 
with your friends for a girls' retreat...

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whether you to do something creative,
discuss a book, or to simply celebrate friendship ~ 
you can...share ideas ~ inspire & encourage each other ~ 
have great conversations...
bring in snacks & a bottle of wine to share!

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Call or email me to reserve a girls' retreat of your own...
Lauri Meyers
(913) 963-2985

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A group of like-minded creative gals gathered at The Vintage House to create a project together. They knew if they sat down as a group they would actually get a project done...and they did!  They brought in their own food and drink, and had a unique and fun afternoon in the lovely atmosphere of our sweet little vintage house! 

What fun!!! 
What an accomplishment!!! 
What satisfaction of creating something from start to finish!!!